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Asp net gridview add columns programmatically. html>rv

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Asp net gridview add columns programmatically. You make changes to a backing datasource.

7 April 2024 12:56

Asp net gridview add columns programmatically. . Jul 11, 2022 · Let's add two new ButtonFields to the GridView, one with a button text Price +10% and the other with the text Price -10%. DataBind() I want to add a blank row into the gridview at a certain point (for example after row 4) and add some text to it. Apr 17, 2018 · It's simple , get the total column count first and then add the column at the end : Dim col as New DataGridViewColumn. Jul 27, 2013 · Now for each row in your grid view, when you are in the RowDataBound event, you can find the drop down list, like this: // Find the drop down list by name. Here is how to get the value of a hidden column in a GridView that is set to Visible=False: add the data field in this case SpecialInstructions to the DataKeyNames property of the bound GridView , and access it this way. In addition, I’ll now set a condition and add the LinkButton to each row, if the Price is greater or equal to $80. Add("Answer"); DataRow dr = dt. Visible = true; } It is very simple , the above code will work. I tried this by having a dynamic template field . net using C#. Step 2: Displaying the Suppliers in a GridView. These hyperlink should open a popup to display certain data on clicking. HeaderText = "Types of bot available"; // Add my column to my gridview. thanks May 29, 2012 · Adding a GridView control is generally much more complicated than this, and also requires many more attributes. Insert(dgv. Rather than displaying this numeric ID in the grid, I need to display a description column off of the other table. from. Columns(3)) This removes the columns before the databind (). Oct 10, 2013 · GridViewRowsCollection doesn't have . However, if we add the column to the DataTable and loop through all the rows in the data table like… foreach (DataRow row in dTable. net 2. Any idea how to do that? Here is the code to add the buttons. ColumnCount, col) If the above code doesn't help , try adding column to the IDataTable itself : datatable. Me. The GridView contains two BoundField columns and one TemplateField column. the image names are in the database and some Users will have 10 images and others will have no images and some will be somewhere inbetween. Jul 27, 2012 · First of all add num number of template fields to your gridview. gridview td. This editor lets you add different kind of columns to your table. e. When you add the new column, it will appear in all of the rows, but it's not automatically bound to your data source. 1) Create a DataTable object to which than we will bind the GridView. Adding Columns at Design time. RowDataBound Dim cell As TableCell = e. NET MVC Hot Network Questions In The Martian, Mark keeps the largest potatoes for his food supply and replants the smaller ones. Then assign the DataTable to the Gridview and then call the GridView's DataBind() Oct 17, 2019 · The GridView column will be programmatically hidden when CheckBox is unchecked in ASP. Add TemplateField inside the Columns Collection that is used to display custom content in a data-bound control. Control container) LinkButton link = new LinkButton(); link. dgv. 10. Jul 11, 2022 · Step 1: Adding a Paged GridView that Lists Product Information. Inserted a template field and in itemtemplate I had given a asp:HiddenField Aug 16, 2017 · How can I add a DropDownList column to gridview in code behind? In my case a want to add a dropdown called Employer. DataKeys(GridView2. Step 2: Adding a Column of Checkboxes. Oct 22, 2012 · I have a GridView which i programmatically bind using c# code. You can do this by adding a handler to the RowDataBound event. Each column must be declared and added to the GridView prior to the GridView itself being added to the Form / Panel / Placeholder, etc. Row. ItemStyle. RowType = DataControlRowType. Since you want to do this programmatically, a common construct is the DataTable. And we need to specify the name and the optional parameter Data Type i. I want have in each column a button inside the 'th' with a view to send a request to database. But result is not satisfactory. Now I need to add a button column(for each row in gridview),How can that be done? When I bind my gridview to datareader I am getting something like this. In GridView1_RowDataBound i used : - Private Sub GridView1_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System. Can I add an additional column to my current gridview just for display purposes? Aug 20, 2013 · How to achieve multiple colspan and multiple header row using ASP. Here is my code: DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt. DataField = col. The CheckBox has been assigned an OnCheckChanged event handler and I need to insert a column with hidden field in grid view. You want to use a boundfield and format the text. My markup is exactly the same as you. Override the method InstantiateIn() of the ITemplate interface. DataBind(); xds. AddAt(4(Index of Cell where you want to add cell), NewCell); TableCell NewCell= new TableCell(); Dec 18, 2011 · Here is my code: GridView gv = new GridView(); gv. Sep 6, 2016 · ASP. How to insert a column in a gridview after the auto generated columns Feb 11, 2016 · You can add a new cell in RowDataBound event of the gridview, like below. e datagrid I'm replacing datagrid into gridview. You make changes to a backing datasource. NOTE : I didn't do this on page_load. Apr 1, 2016 · The value at the bottom of the foreach loop distanceResult I want those results to be added onto the end of the gridview in its own column. This tutorial looks at how to add a column of radio buttons to a GridView control to provide the user with a more intuitive way of selecting a single row If what you want is to remove from a DataGridView is the column you have selected then this code is for you. Once the schema is ready i. May 3, 2015 · You will also see that I have added a Button Control under the FooterTemplate at the last dropdownlist column and a LinkButton at the last column in the GridView for removing rows. Oct 27, 2015 · DevExpress engineers feature-complete Presentation Controls, IDE Productivity Tools, Business Application Frameworks, and Reporting Systems for Visual Studio, Delphi, HTML5 or iOS & Android development. Lastly I used the following helper class to cause the checkboxes to instantiate when the RowDataBound event kicked off. This tutorial looks at how to add a column of check boxes to a GridView control to provide the user with an intuitive way of selecting Aug 23, 2016 · DevExpress engineers feature-complete Presentation Controls, IDE Productivity Tools, Business Application Frameworks, and Reporting Systems for Visual Studio, Delphi, HTML5 or iOS & Android development. NET dynamically add column to Dec 26, 2016 · I have a gridview that displays data coming from an SQL data source (stored procedure) and I want to add a checkboxex column to it, here is my code: TemplateField field = new TemplateField(); May 14, 2015 · Creating Dynamic Tooltip for GridView in ASP. Items. The following HTML Markup consists of an ASP. Also, attributes like sorting, paging, Edit / Cancel Buttons must be taken into consideration. Here is the code I have so far: Private Function PivotTable(origTable As DataTable) As DataTable. CheckBoxField. I need to have a hyperlink on gridview column. But even on binding the data , I'm unable to get the hyper link for the column. DataSource = dtGrd. So basically, i would like to modify the column header text, but programmatically. Then sort the data table, then use it as a data source to the grid. Figure 15: Add a New TemplateField to the GridView (Click to view full-size image) Jul 3, 2012 · So how do you add a gridview with buttons programmatically to an UpdatePanel without causing a full PostBack() if the GridView is clicked? Edit: Other things I have tried void gv1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { AsyncPostBackTrigger t = new AsyncPostBackTrigger(); t. NET Gridview. GetSteamGenerated() gvSteam. int num = Request. STEP III:: Oct 20, 2014 · i have a databound GridView in asp. Step 3: Determining What Checkboxes Were Checked On Postback. Add(new ButtonField() { Text = "Button" }); Or you could prepare the GridView with the button field Aug 23, 2016 · DevExpress engineers feature-complete Presentation Controls, IDE Productivity Tools, Business Application Frameworks, and Reporting Systems for Visual Studio, Delphi, HTML5 or iOS & Android development. Credit for the majority of this code goes to the selected correct answer in this SO posting. Library 500 Apr 18, 2012 · "With the GridView, the declarative bordercolor attribute adds an inline style declaration which only applies to the table itself, not individual cells. AutoGenerateColumns = true; gv. STEP II: Define a constructor for your class that takes a ListItemType object as its parameter. Note. net. We have to find in which row the LinkButton is Clicked , which we can get from the. Header = "First Name"; textColumn. add a column between two columns of a gridview. Net May 1, 2019 · Then all you have to do is create a List<> of object and bind it to your gridView, if you want to add somthing, just add to the list and bind it again (hers's an exemple) : Apr 23, 2014 · Dynamically you would have to add a second header row after every has been databound. net 2, higher is not possible. The First two columns display Customers while the remaining two display Employees, thus to differentiate we need to group these columns. I figured out I can add an ItemTemplate but what I want is on load to generate the number programmatically, is this possible Mar 20, 2013 · Part of the problem that is confusing me is that I already have an image that I am adding. WebControls. Apr 22, 2009 · Im trying to add data into a new column I have created in my gridview. NET. String)). RowIndex; TuDataGrigView1. To add these ButtonFields, click on the Edit Columns link from the GridView's smart tag, select the ButtonField field type from the list in the upper left and click the Add button. // Add checks for row count. You don't have access to the generated columns through grid. Aug 8, 2011 · My grid's datasource is being set from a DB table and one of the columns in the table is the numeric ID of another table. All about framework . data is binding to it. Oct 30, 2018 · I have retrieved records from ms-sql table and shown in gridview now i want to add more columns in same gridview for user input. FindControl("pnlN24"); pnlN24. SelectedIndex). HTML Markup. Add("Question"); dt. Jul 21, 2022 · Step 1: Creating the Enhancing the GridView Web Pages. First turn the viewstate off. Example in VB but you should be able to convert it easily enough. For example if you bind it to a DataTable - you can add custom row with data to the DataTable. Brian Mains. Net. I have a gridview and I would like to be able to programatically change the HeaderText of it's columns (probably in the DataBinding event). GridView1. gv. Sep 11, 2013 · However, at some point between the second execution and anything that causes a post back there after, I lose the contents of the TemplateField. net gridview in c#, with detailed code examples and explanations. Data = xml; xds. Displays a check box for each item in the GridView control. Start by adding a new TemplateField to the GridView by clicking on the Edit Columns link in the GridView's smart tag and adding a new TemplateField. This should also prevent their disappearance after postback. NET with c#, using the answers and examples from other related questions. Jul 18, 2016 · Add a Column in datagridview through code in c# I want to hide ID column in my GridView, I knew the code . Set the GridView column’s 'Visibility' property to 'False'. Visible = false; // hides the first column. Text = GridView2. Net GridView with four columns. Note: Since we added a control at the GridView footer, then be sure to set ShowFooter to TRUE in the GridView. Visible = false option, then during RowDataBound the column is still there . Add an event handler along this lines of this in your code behind: protected void myGrid_RowDataBound(Object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) {. Add(new DataItem()); To programatically add a column: DataGridTextColumn textColumn = new DataGridTextColumn(); textColumn. May 24, 2018 · Adding dynamic columns to an ASP. I know this can normally be achieve with something like this: myGrid. i have already tried the following, testGV. Dec 14, 2015 · Ok, I figured it out. Two of the many ways you can hide a column in an ASP. May 22, 2017 · Save all or press "Ctrl+S" and hit "F5" to run the page, the page will look as in the following image: Click on "Edit the GridView", it will display Textboxes in each cell as in the following image: Edit the value (s) here and click on the Update link, it will update all the data or to remove it click on the "Delete" link above the image shown. GridView genGridView = new GridView(); //Where the xml gets bonded to the data grind. There are various steps that should be taken care of: STEP I:: Create a class inheriting the ITemplate interface. Jun 1, 2016 · Learn how to add a checkbox column to an asp. HeaderText = "XX"; column. in the gridview headers i have years. Cells[0]. You could also generate the Columns on the fly, for example: VB. Sep 25, 2012 · GridView1. Explicitly declared column fields can be used Jul 11, 2022 · Step 1: Adding a Paged GridView that Lists Product Information. TemplateField Mar 21, 2011 · 2. In the RowDataBound event, do something like this (crude example): Private Sub GridView1_OnRowDataBound (ByVal sender as Object, ByVal e as EventArgs) If e. Insert() function): protected void Btn_AddCol_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) TemplateField tf = new Learn how to insert a column in a gridview after the auto generated columns in ASP. Values("SpecialInstructions") That's it, it works every time Jun 19, 2012 · To do this I had to put the button creation and add the column before the data binding. If, however, you find yourself needing to add columns to the middle of the GridView, you'll need to take a slightly different path (using the MyGridView. Another alternative - do it on client by adding a row to rendered HTML Table. In the second procedure, I’ll add a Button control on the web page. DataSource = listOfEntities; gv. UI. " Feb 27, 2017 · I think you should try forcing a rebind of the GridView upon postback. GetStudents(); dgViewStudents. The problem is, the columns get their header texts directly from Database, which can look odd when presented on websites. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 11 months ago. and I need to make the first column as hyperlink and upon clicking that link, it should be redirected to a page with the corresponding item. Normal) Dim gvc As TableCell. NET GridView. Whether using WPF, ASP. Jun 8, 2022 · 83. Visible = false; inside the RowCreated event of your grid. adding columns in gridview programmatically Page to add data in gridview. 3. NET GridView are as follows: 1. 'Add Columns to new Table. Click the Columns' browse button which opens a dialog that displays GridViewDataColumn Collection Editor. TableCell Dim result As TableCell = Nothing If e. GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles GridView1. we will do is that. Add(textColumn); Check out this post on the WPF DataGrid discussion board for more Jul 26, 2022 · EDIT : create another rows in gridview. e. Adding the bordercolor attribute programmatically does not use an inline style, but uses the HTML bordercolor property, which browsers apply to ALL borders inside the table. I tried so many work around mentioned in different sites. Dim Allsteam As New List(Of Assets) Allsteam = Asset. There're alternatives. Modified 9 years, 5 months ago. col. txtSpcInst. Add(Col) Now I need to go in and add data for the rows below the column. To do that, you need to set the DataPropertyName on the column before you add it to the collection: bs. When a row is selected, I want to programmatically add a table row below the selected row, in order to nest another grid et al. HeaderText = "My Header Text"; However, the gridview in question is actually nested within another gridview (via template column). gvSteam. How can i solve Jan 23, 2012 · User-347061861 posted Dear Friends, I have one gridview in which i have 6 columns and one item template for select command. Programmatically access GridView columns and manipulate. Columns[0]. Jun 25, 2020 · First, we get a data table. Dynamic changes in ASP:GridView column. DataTable dt=new DataTable (); 2) IF you need two columns than create two DataColumn object. Select your column you wish to modify and press the hyperlink converting it to a template. 1. Controls. Step 3: Adding a Column of Radio Buttons. Binding = new Binding("FirstName"); dataGrid. but i have one separate Feb 27, 2010 · 0. DataColumn dCol1=new DataColumn (FirstC, typeof (System. In this case a new row will be created automatically for the group header. Apr 27, 2013 · Add Data to gridview dynamically in ASp. GridView1. Dim newTable As New DataTable() Dim dr As DataRow = Nothing. Columns[1]; myGridView. You can also use the Columns collection to programmatically manage the collection of column fields. FieldName = "ID"; ASPxGridView1. Dim Asset As New Assets. Cells(0) cell May 21, 2009 · I have a gridview and I add some buttons programmatically to this grid. SetOrdinal(datatable Aug 7, 2018 · Add dynamic Header Row to GridView programmatically in ASP. Columns[i] in your gridview's DataBound event. Add(tf); After adding template feilds, now we will add checkboxes to the gridview. The key was to make sure to style . DataRow Then 'in this example the column in question is the 3rd column 'unless you are doing some Feb 16, 2010 · 2. ClientID; t. Net gridview? 1 change the format of DataTable, add two rows with column headers for the table Nov 20, 2023 · Drop a GridView Control from the toolbox and set AutoGenerateColumns to false. I don't think each field (which translates to the column) has a CSS style setting answered Feb 26, 2010 at 14:30. NET, WinForms, HTML5 or Windows 10, DevExpress tools help you build and deliver your best in the shortest time possible. Cells, which you can change the styles for the cell (should have a styles collection or a CssClass property). by Scott Mitchell. DataSource = Admin. Mar 10, 2016 · I have a dynamic Gridview. ID = "linkmodel"; container. gridViewPager td to override . Net GridView and a CheckBox. After set AutogenerateColumns = false then add manually columns in gridview as follow: Add manually create columns in gridview control . use AutoGenerateColumns to let grid generate the column itself: or generate the columns dynamically. I am researching this for a client and for an article, and i think my google-fu is not strong tonight. Rows[0]; // I have an exception here : out of range. Mar 20, 2013 · I am trying add multiple images to a column in a data grid view in ASP. HeaderText = col. Text = "Header Text"; e. Find out how to handle the checkbox events and manipulate the gridview data. Add(link); Although you can dynamically add fields to a data-bound control, it is strongly recommended that fields be statically declared and then shown or hidden, as appropriate. Add method, so you can't do it directly to the GridView. Compare your solution with other similar questions on Stack Overflow. I was able to do it but it just displays the latest addition. Add(bf); // Create a row and a cell. IOW, call DataBind() on the GridView upon postback. Dim gvr As New GridViewRow(0, 0, DataControlRowType. so on click of year id like to render in another grid the list of order date. Apr 18, 2016 · You do not add and delete rows to a GridView control. Web. NewRow(); Oct 30, 2012 · The first parameter of RegisterGroup method defines the columns to which the group must be created. This column field type is commonly used to display fields with a Boolean value. Im new in asp. Add(linkField); public void InstantiateIn(System. Rows) { row["SrNo"] = srNo; srNo++; } Jan 14, 2011 · 10. DropDownList theDropDownList = (DropDownList)e. This tutorial looks at how to add a column of check boxes to a GridView control to provide the user with an intuitive way of selecting Sep 5, 2013 · In the code behind use this before binding data to GridView (but it's c#): GV_DataByGroupAct. Hope you understand my question Oct 7, 2021 · Hi I have a gridview. DataRow Then Dim grid As GridView = e. GridViewRowEventArgs, ByVal colName As String) As System. Jan 10, 2015 · Panel pnlN24 = (Panel)gvrow. // create a new row. I create the column with the code below: Dim Field As New BoundField. On button’s Click event, I’ll create and bind the LinkButton to the GridView. However in this case, GridView will not bind the data to the GridView. we can add manually columns in gridview as follow: Add manually create columns in gridview control. ControlID = e. Net using C# and VB. g. I want to know how to add a row in a gridview programatically. Oct 30, 2009 · Have a TemplateColumn in your markup for this column. BoundField bf = new BoundField(); bf. Columns[3]) ; or for vbnet: myGridView. You use DataTable class methods to build your table, rows and columns in the code behind. Related. HeaderText = "Cummulative Amount". To programatically add a row: DataGrid. select. I am binding a list<> to the grid. Add("Header text", GetType(System. Remove(myGridView. You can tap into RowCommand event, which has e. Nov 25, 2014 · I am loading data to gridview from a stored procedure, what I want is to include a checkbox in the gridview programmatically, I was able to get that through this link Adding All Rows Checkbox for Unknown Gridview Data Source. GridViewRow gvr = listTypeBot. Soner's Answer is great for adding columns to the end of the Gridview. I have an edit and delete button right next to eachother and I simply want to put a space between them programmatically. CurrentCell. I have successfully added 1 string column called Name with the following code: 17. Dec 16, 2011 · Hence myTableName has more columns and i dont like to add them through BoundFiled because they vary in my case. Once you get the GridViewRow then find the control in that row and make it Visible. Columns. ColumnName. 0 with a row-selection link. May 16, 2011 · 5. Oct 27, 2015 · ASP. Data Formatting; Property Builder Add LinkButton using A Condition. What I need is in a button click I need to bind teh gridview to a datareader which works fine. I want to display the highest value of the 3 columns in bold. Second add the columns programatically in a function fired in the oninit event. Any ideas of how to do this? I'm making a web application in c# and asp. Field. DataBind(); // set alignment for description column. How do I do the comparison and set the font to bold (preferably in the aspx file)? Aug 1, 2009 · 0. I can examples using data tables but I am using a May 7, 2013 · I have question about adding BoundFiled to GridView. The GridView has an AutogenerateColums -property for this purpose. QueryString["num"]; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) TemplateField tf = new TemplateField(); tf. String)); // string FirstC=”column1″. I have this code BoundField column = new BoundField(); column. Download PDF. Dim field As New BoundField. See Also. AutoGenerateColumns = false; Aug 14, 2013 · This is my code : GridView listTypeBot = new GridView(); // Create my column. net site i have gridview populated dinamically by a SqlDataadapter from a query with parameters. See screenshot: Converting column to template. Displays a command button for each item in the GridView control. Mar 29, 2019 · DevExpress engineers feature-complete Presentation Controls, IDE Productivity Tools, Business Application Frameworks, and Reporting Systems for Visual Studio, Delphi, HTML5 or iOS & Android development. listTypeBot. Dec 6, 2011 · From the ASPxGridView documentation regarding How to create and configure a HyperLink column at runtime: GridViewDataTextColumn colID = new GridViewDataTextColumn(); colID. the Type of data the column will hold. This way it auto-hides the whole column. The Columns property (collection) is used to store all the explicitly declared column fields that get rendered in the GridView control. Sep 21, 2007 · Hi to add rows and columns to Gridveiw dynamically what. So, one way of doing this is to remove the column from its current position in the collection and then re-insert it into the new position. Cells. I tried the following: created a css class width display:none; and assigned ItemStyle-CssClass="MyCssClass". Header, DataControlRowState. please give refernce . It's also possible to create a composite group, consisting of an array of columns. Fee Category Amt. Dat Sep 28, 2009 · As my gridview is populating I want to add an extra column with some buttons in but I can't seem to figure out how, or what might be the best way. Private Sub LoadGrid() grdNewClaim. we can also add manually columns by writting below code in HTML code of web page: <asp:GridView ID ''' <summary> ''' Requires that the 'AccessibleHeaderText' property is set on the column in the aspx ''' </summary> Private Function GetCellByName(ByVal e As System. Dear Friends, original Code- i. Visible = false; but the surprise was that my count property for my GridView columns is 0 !!! while I can see data in the GridView, so any ideas? Thank you, Update: here is the complete code for the method which populate the GridView Apr 10, 2012 · My GridView has 3 bound columns: A, B, and C. FieldName = "ItemName"; Jan 2, 2019 · I want to make the gridview. NET Add column to Gridview. RemoveAt(rowIndex); edited May 8, 2020 at 5:33. FindControl("DropDownList1"); // Go get data from database and populate the drop down list. It is quite old but in the meantime there is another option: myGridView. ASP. field. Jul 11, 2022 · To utilize this method we need to invoke it from a TemplateField in the GridView using the databinding syntax. The user should not know that one column is there. HeaderText = "Status"; gv. If we add the new column to the GRID, then… this works just fine. RemoveAt(1); Jun 2, 2011 · 1. Note: Modifying your datasource might regenerate the columns again, so it might make changes to your template columns. the following code. columns[0] as hyperlink. Rows. HeaderText = "abc". The Gridview is created programmatically to start with. Its only the the contents of the column and not the whole column itself that gets removed. The TemplateField is present in the source and shows a formated column at position 0 of the table. var data = e. The GridView has been assigned OnDataBound event in order to insert an Hiding a Column in an ASP. Add(colID); GridViewDataHyperLinkColumn colItemName = new GridViewDataHyperLinkColumn(); colItemName. Left; On the last line I get index was out of range error, and indeed if I inspect the GridView there's no columns yet Feb 1, 2013 · I recently conquered silmilar issues with dynamic columns in gridviews, perhaps this will help. (I have added the comments where needed) TableHeaderCell NewCell = new TableHeaderCell(); NewCell. fields 'chkApprove' = 0x1. If you use the . Dim Col As DataControlField = Field. A column field represents a column in a GridView control. Show 6 more. Select RadGridView and click the small arrow at the top right position in order to open the Smart Tag. For example, if you wanted to move the second column to be the first column you could do: var columnToMove = myGridView. Simply, add the below code in the Markup Apr 20, 2011 · In Designer View, click the smart tag of the GridView, select-> 'Edit columns'. The HTML Markup consists of an ASP. The Hyperlinkcolumn won't work, because you can't format the link. all the columns are defined, we can now add rows to the dynamically generated DataTable and bind it to the ASP. Place this code in the delete button and ready to delete the column you have selected. int rowIndex = TuDataGrigView1. DataItem as DataRowView; Jan 19, 2010 · Try putting the e. The second parameter specifies if the group is automatic. stored pro portion to include the checkbox. So this is my code behind. Add the Columns Collection (tag) that manages the collection of column fields. Row Nov 6, 2013 · There's a trick to this. Show 3 more. So if you want to use that hidden column (like a Master-Detail scenario), you won't be Feb 18, 2015 · The code behind is as follows. Aug 21, 2013 · In the AddRange method we need to pass an Array of the objects of type DataColumn. EventName = "blah Nov 15, 2018 · in asn asp. - I have retrieved name and mobile number from database but now i want to take input of email field for all records and finally want to insert entire data in another sql table. XmlDataSource xds = new XmlDataSource(); xds. This enables you to create a column of custom button controls, such as the Add or the Remove button. DataSource = Allsteam. This code works just fine, however the only problem is my textbox for first row went blank. HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign. EnableCaching = false; //Set the rowdatabound before binding. I'm able to get the data but not the hyperlink. The second row is alright. This will ensure that any dynamic controls are recreated and their event handlers reattached. HeaderText = "Date"; and. vx ij fy nn rv hr ii qk pf ql